Light Performance: I am a dream

A P R I L 4, 2015

French Spring in Ukraine, St. Sophia Cathedral, Kyiv, UA

Curator: Oleg Sosnov

Light Performance by Spectaculaires

Thousands of Kyivans came to see the opening show of French Spring in St. Sophia's Square on April 4. During the opening night of French Spring people could see the “I am a dream” performance twice: at 8.30 p.m. and 9.30 p.m.

The performance called “I am a dream” consisted of a selection of images, patterns and phrases projected into the Saint Sophia’s Cathedral building.

Among the images, patterns and phrases projected into the Saint Sophia’s Cathedral building were the photographs from EuroMaidan revolution made by Ukrainian photographer Maxim Dondyuk and the image of Ukrainian pilot Nadiya Savchenko currently held in Russian prison on bogus charges.